CWAC: Center for Writing Across the Curriculum, in De La Salle Hall (next to Hagerty Lounge), offers two options for students – of all disciplines and levels:
Writing Circles: During weekly, small-group workshops, students discuss their own writing projects, at all stages of the process. To join a Circle, students visit www.stmarys-ca.edu/WritingCircles before or during the first week of the semester. Once scheduled into a Circle time, the students are administratively registered for that section of COMM 190: Writing Circles.
One-to-one sessions: Students make appointments or drop in 4-8:15 p.m. Sunday; 9:15 a.m.-8:15 p.m. Monday~Thursday; & 11:30-4 p.m. Friday. 925.631.4684, www.stmarys-ca.edu/cwac. Writing Advisers guide their peers toward expressing ideas clearly, always weighing audience and purpose. Writers bring their assignment sheets and readings in order to brainstorm ideas, revise drafts, or work on specific aspects of writing, such as grammar, citation, thesis development, organization, critical reading, or research methods. They may discuss any genre, including poetry, science lab reports, argument-driven research, or scholarship application letters.